Tackley Newsletter

Deadline: in 6 days for April issue

Advertise in the newsletter

Promote your business or event to around 550 homes with an advert in the Tackley Newsletter.

  1. Choose a size from the table below. Pages are A5.
  2. Create your advert. In your software, set a custom paper size to match the given dimensions — don’t just use A4. Remember it will be printed in black and white. If your design has a white or light background, we’ll add a standard border.
  3. Export your advert as a PDF with fonts embedded.
  4. Email it to the editor along with your contact details and the issue(s) in which you’d like it to appear.
Advert sizeOne issueSix issues
Quarter page
59 × 90 mm
Half page
124 × 90 mm
Full page
124 × 184 mm

Charges were last revised in December 2021.